Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Carl Bloch Art Exhibit

A few weeks ago I was able to go down to the BYU Museum of Art and go through the Carl Bloch exhibit. It was absolutely phenomenal. The Museum has tons of original Carl Bloch paintings that are have been lent to them from different castles and churches in Denmark and Sweden. Many of the paintings had never been moved since first put their by Carl Bloch. BYU was also able to buy the painting "The Pool of Bethesda" and have it on permanent display. My grandparents are actually the ones who bought it and then donated it to BYU because it was my grandmothers favorite. For that reason and many others it has become one of my favorite paintings as well. The faces in the piece and all of his works, are incredibly detailed and emotional. You can feel the emotion that the artist wanted portrayed by each person in the paintings. This particular painting is so deep and has so much to take in. The large paintings of his are overwhelmingly beautiful and full. They portray so much that you could sit and look at them for hours on end. I liked how the exhibit offers ipads for rent that have extra information about each painting if you should want more than the plaque gives alongside the paintings. Bloch's art is used countless limes in Christian churches and so I was familiar with most, if not all the paintings they had on display. It made a more significant impact on me though because I was seeing the original artwork. There's just something special about seeing the paintings that Carl Bloch hand-painted himself, like I knew him somehow through his art. I would encourage anyone who has the chance to go down and see this exhibit, to do so. It's free unless you want an ipad, which is three dollars I believe. These paintings will never be released again from their original resting place so this is your only chance to see them!

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